(TRINIDAD GUARDIAN) — Trinidad and Tobago has recorded its third COVID-19 death and a spike in cases between Friday and Saturday.
In its latest update, the Ministry of Health confirmed there had been a third death. However, it again did not divulge any details of the patient’s age, gender or when they died.
The number of cases also rose by 10, from 66 on Friday to 76 up to the time of the ministry’s release at 4.14 pm Saturday.
The number of samples submitted to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) for testing stands at 500, according to the ministry.
So far, only one patient has been discharged from hospital.
In its second daily update Saturday, the ministry advised that of the total number of positive cases, 49 came from the group of nationals who recently returned from a Caribbean cruise.
A breakdown of this revealed that 46 positive cases came from the group of 68 nationals who returned from the cruise together, whilst three positive cases from the group of nationals who returned from the same cruise, but separately from the other 68 nationals.
The Ministry of Health again reminded the public that placing your hands on your face increases the risk of contracting the virus, as it can transfer from your hands to your nose and mouth and then enter your body.
They are urging people to protect themselves by washing hands often with soap and water, or by using an alcohol-based sanitiser that contains at least 60 per cent alcohol, if soap and water are not available.
The public is also strongly advised to take the following personal hygiene measures to protect themselves and their loved ones from COVID-19:
– Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
– Dispose of tissue immediately after using
– Cough and sneeze into the crook of your elbow if you do not have a tissue
– Stay home if you are ill
– Sanitize hard surfaces (e.g. table tops, handrails, doorknobs and trolleys) as often as possible
– Avoid close contact with people who have flu-like symptoms
– Practise social distancing
– Maintain at least 2 metres (approximately 6 feet) distance between yourself and others, especially anyone who is coughing or showing signs of flu-like illness.
It is also advised that all public transportation vehicles should operate with windows open and limit their occupancy.
The post Trinidad and Tobago records third COVID-19 death; positive cases now 76 appeared first on St. Lucia News Online.